Syndrome Permanent Sexual Arousal is a tragedy

In 2001, for the first time in medicine have been described cases are constantly triggered sexual arousal in women - uncontrollable and not related to the presence of sexual stimulation, and also with orgasms to the site. Such women with great frequency attacks occur unnecessary orgasm the muscle of the pelvic floor decreases, increases sweating, heart rate, dilate the vessels, you speed up the breath. The body of a woman, therefore, is preparing to orgasm, and he comes, but completely inappropriate moment and not in inadequate situation.
constant stimulus to the women

In the world known to only a few dozen cases of the disease, but specialists in sexology fair to suggest that, in fact, much more: the majority of people simply do not talk about their problems. These women live constantly excited, without any sexual stimulation and sexual desire, and your life becomes a tragedy. The orgasm can happen while shopping in the store, at work, during the meeting to have a coffee with her friends.

Syndrome Permanent Sexual Arousal (PGAD - in English), or as it is also called Syndrome Permanent Sexual Arousal (PSA - English). transforms the natural pleasure in a serious disorder, and generates the patients a feeling of guilt and despair.

Is a disorder characterized by a tension in the genital area and constant sexual arousal without the actual sexual stimulation and sexual desire. This situation doesn't always end the orgasm, and even when this happens, ease the patient does not occur. Described in medicine recently, this syndrome is included in the list of sexual dysfunctions, but it is expected that soon the inclusion of the classification of mental disorders.

How to gynecologists and specialists in sexology Embassy Medicine are convinced that this syndrome has nothing to do with nymphomania - phrasi to sex, that is characterized by a constant need for them to do, even with the anorgasmia, or the inability to feel orgasm, nor with multiplex orgasms sunt, or multiple orgasms - a phenomenon, which is not pathological.

The symptoms

The main symptom of this disease is the fact that women are in a state of preorgasm, in the excitement, having no desire for sexual relations. This state does not brings them pleasure, and what appears to be a pain in their genital organs, the that calls the unpleasant experiences.

Experts in medicine and sexology know about this syndrome a little bit. The age of patients, usually between 30 and 45 years old.As possible reasons for its development is considered to be the presence of anatomical abnormalities or tumors of the genital organs, the possible imbalance between promoters and blocking neurotransmitters in the brain, neurological diseases (epilepsy), disorders of the veins and arteries of the circulatory network of the genitalia and the most strange is that the reception of popular and widely used are the antidepressants of the latest generation from the group of inhibitors of the reuptake of serotonin.

The excitation occurs, typically, in a situation in which the patient experiences drowsiness or fatigue, which seems strange, because normally, this type of state decrease sexual desire. Unnecessary to orgasm can be caused by only a small movement of the foot. Some light on the nature of the disorder and releases a study of Italian scientists from the university of Bologna (Battaglia, Venturoli), they found, near one of the patients with this syndrome, had its origins in the venerable during treatment with antidepressants (achat) the permanent erection of the clitoris, similar to the experience of men with priapism (inadequate chronic erection).

the syndrome of permanent arousal in women

the nature of the syndrome

The lack of understanding about the nature and causes of the Syndrome of Permanent Sexual Arousal does not give the possibility of exercising there the patient an effective aid. If this disorder occurs in the middle of neurological or mental illness, the therapeutic tactics for your treatment.

In other cases, it applies to symptomatic treatment:some patients help creams with anesthetics or local attachment of ice. For some women taking anti-depressants or medications that block the dopamine receptors, or even hormonal antiandrogenic drugs.

Experts in sexology and gynecology has nothing else, how to proceed in the choice of therapy for such patients method of trial and error.

So sick need of qualified labor, psychological or psychological. Many patients with this syndrome occur in severe depression and suicide attempt.

Syndrome Permanent Sexual Arousal violates your normal life, your relationship with a spouse or partner sentimental, and accompanied by the development of a sense of guilt, self-pity, loss of self-esteem, lower mood.